American University of Antigua
is caught lying to the Department of Education.

"I've reached out to AUA and they've claimed that neither of the lawsuits or the appeal involved your
medical records and at no time were you refused the right to review your student files per
AUA policy and requirements of FERPA."

(Quote from Carla Johnson, Department of Education April 11, 2016)

Carla Johnson reviewed my case concerning AUA's refusal to produce my medical and student records.

(Original Email from Carla Johnson)

Carla B. Johnson
Department of Education
Institutional Improvement Specialist

Kathleen S. Tighe
Department of Education
Inspector General

American University of Antigua has refused to produce my medical and student records since November 22, 2010!
(6 years to date)

American University of Antigua disclosed student records and sued me
to cover-up faculty incompetence!

A university that discloses private student records or refuses to produce student records is suppose to be sanctioned and refused Federal Funding under Federal Law!

Not So With This Corrupt Federal Government!

The Department of Education allows American University of Antigua to continue receiving Federal Loans!

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
20 USC 1232g


FERPA: Students have the right...
-Inspect and review education records within 45 days of a request
-Seek to amend education records believed to be inaccurate;
-Consent to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from education records, except as specified by law.

(Unless you attend American University of Antigua!)

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Public Law 104-191


"The Rule also gives patients rights over their health information,
including rights to examine and obtain a copy of their health records"

I served AUA requests to produce my medical and student records
during the lawsuit AUA filed against me in the United States Federal 6th Circuit Court!

I served AUA per Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Rule 34):

"Please produce a copy of all patient records for Steven Woodward
concerning any clinical treatment provided by any AUA employee."
"Please produce a copy of all counseling records for Steven Woodward written by any AUA employee."
"Please produce a copy of all prescriptions for Steven Woodward for any clinical treatments provided by any AUA employee."

-Request for Documentation, page 22

-Email Serving AUA Requests For Production.

AUA refused to produce any documentation I requested;

including any documentation to support their claims!

I filed a Motion to Compel AUA to produce my student records and follow Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure
Motion To Compel AUA

The Federal Court Orders against AUA;
-Court Orders AUA refused to obey!

AUA refused to obey Court Orders (Rule 37)
I filed a Motion for Sanctions against AUA for violating Court Orders and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

-Motion For Sanctions Against AUA for refusing to obey Court Orders

My brief to the Federal 6th Circuit Court of Appeals
"AUA refused to produce discovery served by Woodward per FRCP 26,
including Woodward's own student records and any medical records"
-Brief I filed to the Federal 6th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The Federal Courts refused to sanction American University of Antigua...
The Department of Education refuses to sanction or refuse Federal Funding to American University of Antigua......
Because the Federal Government, including the Courts and Department of Education are Corrupt, Corporate Owned Liars!


Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure

Rule 34
Producing Documents, Electronically Stored Information, and Tangible Things, or Entering onto Land, for Inspection and Other Purposes
"(A) Time to Respond. The party to whom the request is directed must respond in writing within 30 days after being served"

Rule 37
Failure to Make Disclosures or to Cooperate in Discovery; Sanctions

(2) Sanctions Sought in the District Where the Action Is Pending.

(A) For Not Obeying a Discovery Order.
If a party or a party's officer, director, or managing agent—or a witness designated under
Rule 30(b)(6) or 31(a)(4)—fails to obey an order to provide or permit discovery, including an order under
Rule 26(f), 35, or 37(a), the court where the action is pending may issue further just orders.
They may include the following:
(i) directing that the matters embraced in the order or other designated facts be taken as established for purposes of the action,
as the prevailing party claims;
(ii) prohibiting the disobedient party from supporting or opposing designated claims or defenses,
or from introducing designated matters in evidence;

(iii) striking pleadings in whole or in part;
(iv) staying further proceedings until the order is obeyed;
(v) dismissing the action or proceeding in whole or in part;
(vi) rendering a default judgment against the disobedient party; or
(vii) treating as contempt of court the failure to obey any order

except an order to submit to a physical or mental examination."
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