American University of Antigua
(a.k.a. AUA, TheAUAmed, AUA medical college, AUA college of medicine, AUA medical school)
Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, and the Courts!
(The contents of this website can be verified by State and Federal Court documents)
Listen to Neal Simon and AUA outright lie
about compensating the students
cheated by AUA!
Student Testimonials |
USMLE Pass/Fail Rate Lies
(Warning to every student!)
Medical School Grading Practices
"AUA falsifies its students' grades" claim!
(Cover-up attempt by Federal Courts and University!)
(Federal Judges lied in Court Orders about
the sexual assault of a student!)
AUA Student Sexually Assaulted!
(University, Trinity Health, and St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital)
University and Hospital Disclosed Private Records! |
(AUA falsified Sallie Mae loan certificates!)
Student Loan Warnings!
Due Process
Antigua Crime |
Student Lawsuits |
AUA Proven Liars |
Faculty Warning|
Corrupt Judges |
Corrupt Dept. of Education |
Student Laws |
Video Index
YOUTUBE.com deleted all my videos that warned students
about the corruption at
St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital
Trinity Health in Pontiac, Michigan,
the Courts and
American University of Antigua
Please be patient until I can start my own video streaming.
For the time being please accept these videos as an example of those deleted!
They may be a little slow for the moment,
this information is too important to any student in the United States!
AUA Breaches Contracts!
This is a proven fact!
Youtube.com and AUA
do not want you to know this information!
Federal Court Judges enjoined me from stating facts "AUA breaches contracts"
even after AUA admitted "Tortious Interference"!
AUA is so corrupt they sued me for exposing AUA's violations of the
Student Handbook and Federal Law!
AUA is so incompetent they disclosed private student records!
FOX News Report about the corruption at AUA!
17 students vs American University of Antigua!
(The Students Won This Case!)
I had nearly 200 videos that warned students,
all were deleted by Youtube.com.
They will be loaded here and around the world shortly.
Dear Neal Simon and AUA,
Game On Bitch!
Dear Youtube.com
You didn't learn anything from Nasim Najafi Aghdam did you?
Fuck you too!
Due Process
This is a warning to every citizen in
the United States!
Student Testimonials
Read what students think about
American University of Antigua!
AUA USMLE Pass/Fail Rates!
43.7% USMLE Pass Rate
according to AUA's own student records and documentation!
"Antigua only has a 22.9% USMLE Pass Rate!"
(There are only two medical schools on Antigua!)
Read about AUA's lies and lawsuit claims!
Learn how Federal Judges lied in Court Orders to protect AUA!
AUA advertised on their Website,
swore under oath, and testified in Federal Court
an 80.6% USMLE Pass rate for AUA students.
AUA refused to defend these claims in Court and
AUA lied about USMLE scores according to their own documentation!
This is a list of
AUA student USMLE and GPA scores!
These disclosed private records expose the truth about AUA and the Federal Courts!
AUA disclosed private records of "150" students.
(This list include AUA and transfer students)
AUA's own records show "78" of these students
the USMLE.
78/150= 52%
(AUA distinguishes their students and transfer students in their own documentation!)
Do the math yourself!
AUA distributed a PowerPoint presentation
to AUA students attending clinical rotations
at Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland hospital!
Download AUA's presentation(ppt)
Click here
"AUA falsifies its students grades"
Grading policies, practices, and the lies by
American University of Antigua,
St Joseph Mercy Oakland, Trinity Health,
and the Michigan and Federal Courts.
This is a must read and
for every student in the United States!
What American University of Antigua tried to cover-up!
Crime on Antigua
Crime against American University of Antigua students!
-AUA Student Sexually Assaulted!
-AUA Students Robbed On Antigua At Gunpoint!
-Crime On Antigua
Murder, Rape, Sexual Assault, Robbery, and more
that AUA didn't want you to know!
AUA medical school filed frivolous Federal lawsuit claims
for publishing news articles about crime against AUA students and crime on Antigua!
Lawsuits is AUA's way of dealing with bad publicity!
The Clery Act, 20 USC 1092(f),
Campus Security,
and Free Speech, 20 USC 1011a.
AUA Lawsuits!
17 Student's Lawsuit against
American University of Antigua
A must read this for all potential students!
Under Oath AUA's Dean states
"AUA never maintained an office at this address"
about AUA's New York address in an attempt to get the lawsuit dismissed!
AUA's absurd motion to dismiss!
-New York Courts Web Site. 17 Students v. American University of Antigua Court Case!
Follow the plight of seventeen(17) students that have been
battling American University of Antigua and the New York Courts since 2012!
(Under "e-COURTS",
select: "e-Track", "WebCivil Supreme","Index Search", verification,
Case Number "153386/2012",
click on 153386/2012 to review all the case files...)
Woodward v. American University of Antigua
Read about frivolous Federal Court claims AUA made against a former student.
AUA's claims were called "Ridiculous" by the Court!
Neal Simon, AUA President, signed this statement under oath
"Being First duly sworn:
I, Neal Simon, am an officer of the American University of Antigua and its
general counsel.
I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth in this complaint and,
having read the same,
I hereby attest that each and every allegation contained herein is
true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. "
AUA claims:
COUNT I: Federal Trademark/Tradename Infringement (AUA lost this claim)
COUNT II: Infringement Under the ACPA (AUA lost this claim)
COUNT III: Willful Violation of FERPA (AUA lost this claim)
COUNT IV: Defamation:
"AUA students are sexually assaulted" (AUA lost this claim)
"Antigua only has a 22.9% USMLE Pass Rate" (AUA lost this claim)
"AUA agents are liars" (AUA lost this claim)
It has been proven in Federal Court; AUA agents are liars.
"AUA professors teach students wrong information" (AUA lost this claim)
It has been proven in Federal Court; AUA professors teach students wrong information.
American University of Antigua Are Proven Liars!
AUA lost defamation claim:
"AUA agents are liars"
AUA agents are proven liars in Federal Court!
American University of Antigua gets
caught lying on Sallie Mae/Nellie Mae
student loan certificates.
You might be paying on student loans
to a university you never attended!
American University of Antigua is
caught lying to the Department of Education.
AUA's Dean swears under oath;
AUA has no offices in New York!
Video Index
A list of videos about
AUA, Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital,
and the Courts!
Cause for dismissal at AUA medical school, Trinity Health, and St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital:
The Department of Education and
Federal Judges do not support or uphold Federal Laws:
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
20 USC 1232g or the
Health Information and Privacy Act(HIPAA)
Pub.L. 104-191!
American University of Antigua
has refused to produce my
medical and student records
since November 22, 2010!
American University of Antigua disclosed private
student names, USMLE, and GPA Scores!
Check here to see if AUA disclosed your private student records!
American University of Antigua filed frivolous lawsuit against me.
AUA's attempt to cover-up their
disclosure of private student records!
American University of Antigua lost their Federal lawsuit!
AUA Medical School sued me for exposing their incompetence!
AUA claimed I violated Federal laws(FERPA) and
violated a contract between AUA and students!
Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, and
American University of Antigua disclosed private records!
Student names, GPA's and USMLE Step I Pass/Fail scores.
These records were disclosed during clinical rotations in Pontiac, Michigan!
# | Student Name: | GPA | USMLE Score | PASS/FAIL |
1 | Hephzibah Adamu | 2.22 | 58 | FAIL(1) |
2 | Francia Aguilera | 4.00 | 68 | FAIL(2) |
3 | Yunus Ahmadi | 3.00 | 75 | |
4 | Khaalisha Ajala | 2.44 | 81 | |
5 | Olumide Ajayi | 2.71 | 80 | |
6 | Abosede Akitan | 3.35 | 82 | |
7 | Ali Husam | 2.20 | 60 | FAIL(3) |
8 | Osama Ansari | 4.00 | 81 | |
9 | Ashley Cherrise | 2.22 | 64 | FAIL(4) |
10 | Elizabeth August | 3.00 | 80 | |
11 | Mihenka August | 2.44 | 65 | FAIL(5) |
12 | Allyson Bagenholm | 4.00 | 76 | |
13 | Iyad Baker | 3.50 | 88 | |
14 | Shean Barrett | 3.50 | 81 | |
15 | Carl-Frederic Bastien | 2.20 | 78 | |
16 | Michael Beckwith | 3.63 | 78 | |
17 | Danamarie Belpulsi | 2.46 | 65 | FAIL(6) |
18 | Alexandria Beranger | 2.93 | 72 | FAIL(7) |
19 | Milica Betz | 3.67 | 87 | |
20 | Niveditha Bhaskarla | 3.50 | 76 | |
21 | Kwaku Boakye | 2.08 | 64 | FAIL(8) |
22 | Shannon Bohnert | 2.62 | 54 | FAIL(9) |
23 | Vikram Budhraja | 3.42 | 86 | |
24 | Ralph Cafiero | 2.45 | 65 | FAIL(10) |
25 | Sreekanth Cheruku | 2.88 | 95 | |
26 | Jessica Chineme | 4.00 | 71 | FAIL(11) |
27 | Maxim Chumak | 3.67 | 77 | |
28 | Aaron Corbin | 2.60 | 68 | FAIL(12) |
29 | Carmen Crespo-Valez | 4.00 | 62 | FAIL(13) |
30 | Erica Crew | 3.22 | 76 | |
31 | Vivek Dabas | 2.00 | 75 | |
32 | Barbara Davis | 3.25 | 73 | FAIL(14) |
33 | Carlond Decoteau | 3.00 | 55 | FAIL(15) |
34 | Thomas Devaney | 1.60 | 59 | FAIL(16) |
35 | Rupeet Dhillon | 1.89 | 49 | FAIL(17) |
36 | Dana El-Sherif | 2.06 | 77 | |
37 | Eni Eni | 3.12 | 63 | FAIL(18) |
38 | Ehsan Esmaeili | 4.00 | 83 | |
39 | Keith Falter II | 3.57 | 87 | |
40 | Shahram Fasihy | 2.81 | 71 | FAIL(19) |
41 | Guerry Faustin | 2.64 | 78 | |
42 | Ashvin Felix | 2.25 | 70 | FAIL(20) |
43 | Isaline Ferrol | 2.63 | 75 | |
44 | Kenneth France | 2.88 | 75 | |
45 | Bina Franklin | 4.00 | 75 | |
46 | Richard Freier | 4.00 | 79 | |
47 | Helai Ghani | 2.40 | 81 | |
48 | Ephraim Gnanashekar | 2.27 | 69 | FAIL(21) |
49 | Claudia Gonzalez | 2.00 | 40 | FAIL(22) |
50 | Sanjiv Gray | 3.67 | 98 | |
51 | Angel Hadawy | 2.62 | 71 | FAIL(23) |
52 | Mousa Haddad | 2.50 | 65 | FAIL(24) |
53 | Tammy Hang | 1.93 | 67 | FAIL(25) |
54 | Kimberly Harden | 2.33 | 77 | |
55 | Junior Harris III | 3.00 | 50 | FAIL(26) |
56 | Randi Hasselfeld | 2.94 | 87 | |
57 | Sophia Huda | 2.39 | 69 | FAIL(27) |
58 | Julia Ioffe | 3.58 | 76 | |
59 | Adam Isacoff | 2.53 | 76 | |
60 | Larry Jackson | 2.58 | 73 | FAIL(28) |
61 | Atul Jain | 3.00 | 70 | FAIL(29) |
62 | Thanavut Jiansakul | 3.78 | 83 | |
63 | Jay Johnsen | 3.57 | 84 | |
64 | Takaya Jones | 2.93 | 78 | |
65 | Neha Kalaria | 2.43 | 74 | FAIL(30) |
66 | Tamer Kamash | 2.50 | 64 | FAIL(31) |
67 | Joe Kannankeril | 2.43 | 56 | FAIL(32) |
68 | Harjeet Kaur | 2.73 | 73 | FAIL(33) |
69 | Vicki Kidd | 4.00 | 79 | |
70 | Cerise Knowles-James | 2.43 | 68 | FAIL(34) |
71 | Smila Kodali | 3.13 | 75 | |
72 | Navreet Kohli | 2.60 | 68 | FAIL(35) |
73 | Seema Kumar | 2.71 | 80 | |
74 | Alvin Kurien | 1.90 | 61 | FAIL(36) |
75 | Fritzanella Lafond | 3.00 | 71 | FAIL(37) |
76 | Nahesi Lambert | 3.11 | 76 | |
77 | Eric Lanphear | 4.00 | 64 | FAIL(38) |
78 | Vitaliy Lapikov | 2.50 | 78 | |
79 | Cherie Lhungay | 3.14 | 83 | |
80 | Ateaya Lima | 2.51 | 66 | FAIL(39) |
81 | Michael Linkowski | 2.71 | 59 | FAIL(40) |
82 | Alejandro Loza | 4.00 | 75 | |
83 | Louis Marin | 3.00 | 77 | |
84 | Nathan Martin | 2.25 | 64 | FAIL(41) |
85 | Ravonna Martin | 4.00 | 72 | FAIL(42) |
86 | Kenneth Merkley | 2.71 | 66 | FAIL(43) |
87 | Chandrabhaga Miskin | 3.13 | 76 | |
88 | Mariam Monroe | 2.31 | 55 | FAIL(44) |
89 | Aqeel Muhammad | 2.20 | 70 | FAIL(45) |
90 | Nakhwal Sukhminder | 2.75 | 61 | FAIL(46) |
91 | Anthonia Nwagbo | 2.75 | 66 | FAIL(47) |
92 | Philip Okoro | 2.80 | 67 | FAIL(48) |
93 | Earnest Okoronkwo | 2.47 | 67 | FAIL(49) |
94 | Moses Olorunnisola | 3.71 | 71 | FAIL(50) |
95 | Michael Oprea | 4.00 | 82 | |
96 | Babadele Oyedepo | 3.82 | 79 | |
97 | Doyin Oyelowo | 3.29 | 78 | |
98 | Roshni Panchal | 4.00 | 77 | |
99 | Amy Pate | 3.13 | 91 | |
100 | Judy Pate | 2.40 | 65 | FAIL(51) |
101 | Bhavika Patel | 3.06 | 78 | |
102 | Dipesh Patel | 3.00 | 80 | |
103 | Rupal Patel | 3.70 | 77 | |
104 | Samir Patel | 3.00 | 77 | |
105 | Amit Patel | 2.47 | 98 | |
106 | Dominic Pennisi | 2.14 | 68 | FAIL(52) |
107 | Veronika Petrova | 2.64 | 55 | FAIL(53) |
108 | Judette Polynice | 3.33 | 93 | |
109 | Jeffrey Preciado | 3.00 | 39 | FAIL(54) |
110 | Gurvinder Rakalla | 3.00 | 46 | FAIL(55) |
111 | Panisri Rao | 2.60 | 76 | |
112 | Ryan Rao | 3.44 | 99 | |
113 | Ray Asheesh | 2.25 | 86 | |
114 | Thomas Reilly | 3.88 | 95 | |
115 | Gail Robinson | 3.50 | 59 | FAIL(56) |
116 | Christopher Roever | 4.00 | 71 | FAIL(57) |
117 | Luis Rojas | 3.67 | 78 | |
118 | Nikki Romanik | 2.61 | 59 | FAIL(58) |
119 | Tarek Saleh | 2.38 | 80 | |
120 | Janaka Sarathchandra | 1.82 | 59 | FAIL(59) |
121 | Hilary Schroeder | 2.54 | 59 | FAIL(60) |
122 | Priya Selvarajah | 1.76 | 69 | FAIL(61) |
123 | Monica Shahani | 4.00 | 76 | |
124 | Humara Shahzad | 3.00 | 69 | FAIL(62) |
125 | Temitope Shodunker | 2.94 | 72 | FAIL(63) |
126 | Pantea Shoja | 3.75 | 83 | |
127 | Abdullah Sirhan | 2.28 | 61 | FAIL(64) |
128 | Ambica Soni | N/A | 79 | |
129 | Hollie Soresen | 3.50 | 64 | FAIL(65) |
130 | Tajudeen Soyoye | 4.00 | 78 | |
131 | Anthony St.Denis | 2.82 | 78 | |
132 | Erin Stair | N/A | 80 | |
133 | Clinton Stevenson | 3.50 | 57 | FAIL(66) |
134 | Hassan Syed | 3.00 | 74 | FAIL(67) |
135 | Adeeb Tadros | 2.00 | 68 | FAIL(68) |
136 | Hina Tahir | 2.35 | 76 | |
137 | Anita Tammara | 2.04 | 70 | FAIL(69) |
138 | Stacey Thoman | 2.86 | 79 | |
139 | Debra Thomas | 3.00 | 58 | FAIL(70) |
140 | Lisa Thomas | 2.57 | 69 | FAIL(71) |
141 | Raju Tiwana | 2.40 | 69 | FAIL(72) |
142 | Radmehr Torabi | 2.67 | 99 | |
143 | Pierrette Toussaint | 2.33 | 67 | FAIL(73) |
144 | Amandeep Uppal | 2.87 | 76 | |
145 | Pravin Vijayan | 2.72 | 69 | FAIL(74) |
146 | Jameson Woodard | 3.89 | 89 | |
147 | Roderick Yun | 2.07 | 71 | FAIL(75) |
148 | Sara Zimmerman | 4.00 | 72 | FAIL(76) |
149 | Aleksandr Zverinsky | 1.54 | 62 | FAIL(77) |
150 | Venkatesh Addhavarapu | 2.25 | 67 | FAIL(78) |
This is a list of
The New York Times
"the judges on the federal appeals court there have repeatedly accused each other of
lying and underhanded conduct in important cases"
Do Not Trust Court Appointed Attorneys!
Example of Underhanded Conduct
by Federal Judges!
(click here)
These judges are so corrupt
they outright lie in Court Orders
to protect a school on Antigua
than uphold the Civil Rights of a citizen of the United States!
Judge Patrick J Duggan, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Michael Hluchaniuk, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Alice M Batchelder, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Bernice B Donald, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Danny Julian Boggs, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge David McKeague, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Deborah L Cook, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Eric L Clay, Sixth Circuit, Federal Courts
Judge Helene N White, Sixth Circuit Federal Court
Judge James L Graham, Sixth Circuit Federal Court
Judge Jane Branstetter Stranch, Sixth Circuit Federal Court
Judge Jeffrey Sutton, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge John M Rogers, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Julia Smith Gibbons, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Karen Nelson Moore, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge R Guy Cole Jr, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Raymond M Kethledge, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Richard Allen Griffin, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Anthony P Patti, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Arthur J Tarnow, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Avern Cohn, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Bernard A Friedman, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge David M Lawson, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge David R Grand, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Denise Page Hood, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Elizabeth A Stafford, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge George Caram Steeh, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Gerald E Rosen, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Gershwin A Drain, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge John Corbett O'Meara, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Judith E Levy, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Laurie J Michelson, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Linda V Parker, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Marianne O Battani, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Terrence G Berg, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Mark A Goldsmith, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Matthew F Leitman, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Mona K Majzoub, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Nancy G Edmunds, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Patricia T Morris, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Paul D Borman, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Robert H Cleland, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Victoria A Roberts, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Thomas L Ludington, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Stephen J Murphy III, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Stephanie Dawkins Davis, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Sean F Cox, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge R Steven Whalen, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Gilbert Merritt, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Alan E Norris, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Richard F Suhrheinrich, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Eugene E Siler Jr, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Martha C Daughtrey, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Ronald L Gilman, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Amul R Thapar, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge John K Bush, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Joan L Larsen, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge John B Nalbandian, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Eric E Murphy, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Charles Wycliffe Joiner, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge James Harvey, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Julian Abele Cook Jr, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Stewart Albert Newblatt, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Anna Katherine Johnston Diggs Taylor, Sixth Circuit, Federal Court
Judge Shalina D Kumar Circuit Court, Oakland County, Michigan
Judge Elizabeth L Gleicher, Court of Appeals, Michigan
Judge Kirsten Frank Kelly, Court Of Appeals, Michigan
Judge Brian K Zahra, Supreme Court, Michigan
Student Law
Every student in the United States should review these laws carefully
prior to attending any college or university.
These laws are designed to protect
colleges and universities
Not Students!!
The documents included on this site are:
court exhibits, depositions, interrogatories, student records, emails from student and faculty,
recordings, pictures, and other documentation.