Due Process
This is a warning to every citizen in the United States!
If this corruption can happen to me there is nothing
preventing it from happening to you, your children, or
people you love!
The following is from Michigan and Federal Court records
stemming from a medical school clinical rotation course held at
Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hopital, and
American University of Antigua college of medicine
Pontiac, Michigan!!!!
Federal Laws |
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure |
Case Law |
(Student WARNING!)
Due Process in Colleges and Universities!
Medical School Federal Lawsuit |
Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure violations by Judges!
Violations by the University!
Court Bias |
Hospital Clinical Rotation
University Claims |
Cause for Dismissal |
Federal Laws
List of Federal Laws
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure!
Case Law
This is a list of long established "Case Laws" (i.e. Court Rulings)
against colleges and universities.
Due Process in Colleges and Universities!
The mere thought that there is "Due Process"
granted to a student is absurd and fictitious!
In this section I will show "Due Process" accorded to a student by
Michigan and Federal Courts
Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital and
the American University of Antigua!
Wrap your head around This!
I was denied the posibility of bringing an attorney to defend me
during a Committee Meeting hearing.
(which violated the university's own rules)
I was dismissed from medical school for:
-Finishing my assignments early!
-Requesting a transfer!
-Studying for the United States Medical Licensing Examination, USMLE!
-Using Kaplan to study for the USMLE!
To prove the depth of corruption in the Courts,
Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, and the
American University of Antigua, I offer this fact:
After I was dismissed from medical school,
I was sued by the American Univerisity of Antigua in Federal Court
for exposing the fact
Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, and the
American University of Antigua
Disclosed Private Student Records
(i.e. student GPA's and USMLE Scores)
during the Clinical Rotation at
Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital!!
(The disclosed student data also showed American University of Antigua
lied in advertisement documentation concerning the school's USMLE Pass Rates!)
Even the corrupt Federal Judges called these claims against me "Ridiculous"
The thought that a Medical School that submits a frivolous and "Ridiculous" lawsuit claims
against a former student for,
exposing the incompetence and violations of the school's own rules and Federal Laws;
I pose the thought that there is "Due Process" to a student is obsurd!
There is absolutely nothing resembling "Due Process"
in the education system
or the Michigan and Federal Courts!
I have only witnessed corruption and lies by these institutions!
Medical School Lawsuits
List of lawsuits against
American University of Antigua!
Violations of "Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure" by Federal Judges!
This section will outline in detail how Federal Judges violated
"Federal Rules Of Civil Procedure" to ensure I would lose my claims!
This section shows how Federal Judges will deny an individual Due Process and Justice
in order to protect corrupt corporations!
Violations by the Hospital and University!
This section shows how Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, and the
American University of Antigua
violated their own codes and rules according to their own documentation!
Court Bias
In this section I will outline in chronological order the Clinical Rotation at Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital. I will compare this course, the faculty, and hospital staff to Court Rulings.
Hospital Clinical Rotation
In this section I will recreate a complete outline of the events that unfolded during the Clinical Rotation at Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, and American University of Antigua.
University Claims
In this section I will compare the claims made by the American University of Antigua to the documentation submitted to the courts.
Cause for Dismissal
In this section I will outline every claim made against me by Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital, and the American University of Antigua. This is a WARNING to every student in the United States!