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Antigua Medical Schools
USMLE Pass/Fail Rates!
The USMLE pass rate for AUA is 43.7%
(48% including transfer students)
according to AUA's own documentation!
AUA distributed a PowerPoint presentation
to students attending clinical rotations
at Trinity Health, St Joseph Mercy Oakland hospital!
Download AUA's presentation(ppt)
Click here
(Do the math yourself)
1. Open the presentation
2. Scroll to page 13
"Step I v. GPA"
(This graph shows the USMLE pass rate for AUA students!)
3. Select the graph
4. Right click and select "Chart Object" and
5. Select the "AUA" tab at the bottom of the chart
(Listed under the "AUA" tab are AUA
student names and USMLE Step 1 scores!)
There were 87 AUA students that sat for the USMLE.
(49 failed and only 38 passed)
(38/87=43.678 percent, 43.7%)
AUA claims an 80.6% pass rate!
AUA's own graph (page 13)
documents the AUA USMLE Pass Rate is
not even close to 80.6%!
AUA's graph (page 13)
The Daily Herald
published the following article
which shows USMLE Pass/Fail rates for
Caribbean medical schools.
22.9% USMLE Pass Rate
(Antigua has some of the lowest USMLE scores
of all Caribbean medical schools!)
"22.9% USMLE Pass Rate"
The Daily Herald
"22.9% USMLE Pass Rate"
Academic Medicine
"22.9% USMLE Pass Rate"
Academic Medicine
Download Academic Medicine report(pdf)
Click here
There are only two medical schools on Antigua!
(ECFMG World directory of medical schools)
University of Health Sciences Antigua, UHSA
American University of Antigua, AUA
UHSA claims
"Approximately 90%
of our graduates pass the
United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) on their first attempt."
AUA claims
"Since AUA's inception, USMLE Step 1 first-time pass rates
for all students is 80.6%"
(80.6% + 90%)/2= 85.3%
85.3% should be the average USMLE pass rate for
both medical schools on Antigua...
The published USMLE pass rate for Antigua is only 22.9%
This would mean UHSA's USMLE pass rate is about
2.1% (or less)
UHSA published
"We are proud to say that
more than 90%
of our graduates pass the
USMLE on their first attempt at taking the test."
UHSA Claims
"more than 90%"
UHSA also claimed
"Approximately 90%
of our graduates pass the
United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) on their first attempt."
UHSA Claims
"more than 90%"
AUA advertised, swore under oath, and
testified in court that AUA student USMLE pass rates
were 80% or better.
AUA's Website
"Since AUA's inception, USMLE Step 1 first-time pass rates
for all students is 80.6%
AUA's Website
AUA testified in Federal Court
"The passage rate is approximately
80 percent or better."
AUA Testimony
"80 percent or better"
(AUA refused to produce any documentation to support their claims
to the point of violating Court Orders to do so!)
AUA's own documentation shows
AUA student USMLE pass rate is not even close to 80%!
AUA sued me in Federal Court
for quoting AUA data and publishing articles from
Academic Medicine and The Daily Herald!
"Antigua only has a 22.9% USMLE Pass Rate!"
(From my website "")
"Antigua only has a 22.9% USMLE Pass Rate!"
AUA's Federal Court Claims
AUA filed a defamation claim against me in
Federal Court for publishing
AUA's own documented data
and news articles!
Under oath!
AUA claimed I wrote:
"AUA students pass rate for
USMLE medical board exams is only 22.9%"
"AUA students pass rate for
USMLE medical board exams is only 22.9%"
The only exhibit AUA produced
was from my website
which clearly states:
"Antigua only has a 22.9% USMLE Pass Rate!"
"Antigua only has a 22.9% USMLE Pass Rate!"
Download AUA's exhibit(pdf)
Click here
Federal Judges lied in Court Orders
to protect AUA!
Federal Judges wrote in Court Orders (docket 184, page 23)
"Woodward no longer states that
"AUA's student pass rate for USMLE medical board exams is only 22.9%"
(Request for Admissions No. 28.)
Instead Woodward states that
Antigua only has a 22.9% USMLE Pass Rate!"
AUA refused to produce evidence to support their claim(s) and
never proved I wrote or stated:
"AUA's student pass rate for USMLE medical board exams is only 22.9%"
Federal Judges lied in Courts Orders to protect
lawyers, AUA, Trinity Health, and
St Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital!
I submitted a motion to dismiss AUA's claims on the grounds of perjury!(Docket 27)
Docket Report
"MOTION for dismissal on the grounds of perjury"
U.S. v. Dunnigan, 507 U.S. 87, 94, 113 S.Ct. 1111, 122 L.Ed.2d 445 (1993)
(“Perjury as willfully false testimony under oath concerning material matter")
Radecki v. Glaxosmithkline, No. 09-3901-cv US Court of Appeals, (2nd Cir. 2010)
(“dismiss with prejudice as a sanction for perjury”,
”As the Supreme Court has stated,
“false testimony in a formal proceeding is intolerable”)
Eastway Const. v. City of New York, 762 F.2d 243 Court of Appeals (2nd Cir. 1985)
( “subjective good faith no longer provides the safe harbor it once did”, “subjective bad faith is no longer required to trigger the sanctions imposed by the rule, sanctions shall be imposed”)
AUA sued me in Federal Court for
publishing data and quoting news articles!
Federal Judges enjoined me from stating
"AUA conspires to commit fraud and violations of civil rights"
Federal Judges take an "Oath of Office"
to uphold the "Constitution" and Laws of the United States
First Amendment and Federal Laws:
"20 USC 1011a"
(a) Protection of Rights
(2)(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed,
discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
(E) students should be treated equally and fairly; and
(3) Protected speech
The term “protected speech” means speech that is protected under the first and 14th amendments to the Constitution, or would be protected if the institution of higher education involved were subject to those amendments.
Lanham Act, 15 USC 1125(a)
False designations of origin, false descriptions, and dilution forbidden
(1) Any person who, on or in connection with any goods or services, or any container for goods, uses in commerce any word, term, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof, or any false designation of origin, false or misleading description of fact, or false or misleading representation of fact"