AUA tried to cover-up crime on Antigua,
including the robbery of AUA students at gunpoint!

I published this news article "Two robberies in two days".
The article was about AUA students that were robbed at gunpoint!

(Copy of original article)
(Two robberies in two days)

Two robberies in two days
(Original news article, source: Antigua Observer)

St. John's Antigua-
Police are probing two robberies, committed between 11:50 pm Tuesday and
1:40am Wednesday, in which the victims were help at gunpoint.

In one incident, two American University of Antigua(AUA) students,
whom police did not name, were walking along St John's shortly before 2am
when three armed men pounced on them and demanded their valuables.

The thieves whipped out guns, held up the friends, ages 27 and 28, and
took their cash, iPhones and some important documents, police said....

The American University of Antigua filed a Federal lawsuit
against a student, Woodward, for publishing news articles
about crime on Antigua!

Another article was about the
sexual assault of an AUA student!
(Case 2:10-cv-10978-PJD-MJH)

Federal judges lied in Court Orders to protect AUA!

"The Clery Act"
20 U.S.C. 1092(f)
According to Federal Law a school/university will report:

(I) murder;
(II) sex offenses, forcible or nonforcible;
(III) robbery;
(IV) aggravated assault;
(V) burglary;
(VI) motor vehicle theft;
(VII) manslaughter;
(VIII) arson;
(These are just a small portion of the guidelines under "The Clery Act"!)

The Federal Courts and the Department of Education refused to sanction AUA!

Protection of Student Speech
and Association Rights

20 U.S.C. 1011a

(a) Protection of rights
(1) It is the sense of Congress that no student attending an institution of higher education
on a full- or part-time basis should,
on the basis of participation in protected speech or protected association,
be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of,
or be subjected to discrimination or official sanction
under any education program, activity, or division of the institution
directly or indirectly receiving financial assistance under this chapter
and part C of subchapter I of chapter 34 of title 42,
whether or not such program, activity, or division is sponsored or
officially sanctioned by the institution.

(2) It is the sense of Congress that—
(A) the diversity of institutions and educational missions is one of the key strengths of American higher education;
(B) individual institutions of higher education have different missions and each institution should design its academic program in accordance with its educational goals;
(C) an institution of higher education should facilitate the free and open exchange of ideas;
(D) students should not be intimidated, harassed, discouraged from speaking out, or discriminated against;
(E) students should be treated equally and fairly; and
(F) nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to modify, change, or infringe upon any constitutionally protected religious liberty, freedom, expression, or association.

The American University of Antigua sued me for:

-Posting a copy of a news article about the sexual assault of an AUA student!
-Posting copies of news articles about crime on Antigua!
-Exposing AUA's disclosure of private student records i.e. USMLE Scores and GPAs'!
-Exposing the fact that AUA teaches wrong information!
-Exposing AUA's low USMLE pass rate!
-Exposing the fact that AUA agents are liars, and etc!

Federal judges are so corrupt their Court Orders enjoined me from saying
"AUA conspires to commit fraud and violations of civil rights"

What about the Civil Rights of "Free Speech" guaranteed in both 20 U.S.C. 1011a and the
First Amendment of the United States Constitution?

There is a plague of corruption in schools/universities and courts in the United States concerning crimes against students!

-"Kids for Cash"
Judges profitted by denying Due Process and wrongfully imprisoning approximately 3,000 students to the judge's corporate owned detention center!

-Jeanne Clery
Jeanne Clery was a 19-year-old freshman at Lehigh University.
Jeanne was raped and murdered in her campus residence hall.
Lehigh was covering-up violent crimes on campus!
-Eastern Michigan University cover-up
E.M.U. was fined $357,500 for failing to warn the campus of a student's assault and death!
-Penn. State University sex abuse scandal.
Penn State Coach Jerry Sandusky was convicted of sexually abusing several young boys over several years, including incidents on campus.
